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Global stainless steel output fell by 5.2%

According to WSA, global stainless steel smelting in 2022, compared to 2021, decreased by 5.2% to 55.255 million tons.
According to WSA, China (with a 57.9% share of the total) will see a 2.0% decrease in 2022 to 31.975 million tons, other countries (13.7%) a 9.1% decrease to 7.557 million tons, Asian countries without China and South Korea (13.4%) a 4.9% decrease to 7.411 million tons, European countries (11.4%) a 12.4% decrease to 6.294 million tons and the US (3.7%) a 14.8% decrease to 2.017 million tons.
According to Spetsstal Association’s expert estimates, the volume of stainless steel smelting in Russia (for commercial products) in 2022, compared to 2021, increased by 10.7% to 118.88 thousand tons. Of that, smelting of nickel-containing steel grades grew by 12.6% to 96.65 thousand tons, and nickel-free grades — by 3.0% to 22.23 thousand tons.
